Beri | Sidr Honey (Sidr Honey)

PRODUCT NAME: Beri | Sidr Honey

Product ID: BSH: 2.1

NECTAR SOURCE: Wild Sidr Flowers only.

CONSISTENCY: Smooth, viscous, rich and moderately thick.  

COLOUR: Medium to dark amber.

TASTE: Robust with butterscotch & caramel notes.

PROPERTIES: Lowers bad cholesterol, strengthens immune system, good for athletes, elderly and pregnant women for its high mineral content.

DESCRIPTION: Sidr Honey, the mono-floral honey which comes from the bees that feed exclusively on the nectar of the wild Sidr tree. This ancient tree grows uncultivated in the remote mountains that climb Pakistan and Afghanistan's tribal areas. This area hosts the world's oldest and largest Sidr Forest. 

The Sidr tree is considered sacred and has been used as a natural medicine for centuries. The real Sidr Honey is also rare. It is harvested once a year in November.

The Sidr tree, also known as the Lote tree or Christ's thorn, is revered for its cultural and historical significance. Its flowers bloom for a limited period, usually around September and October, attracting bees to collect their nectar. The bees transform this nectar into honey, creating a unique and exquisite product known as Sidr honey.

One of the defining characteristics of Sidr honey is its rich, amber color, which can vary from light golden to dark brown. It has a thick and creamy texture with a smooth consistency, making it a delight to spread or drizzle over food. The aroma of Sidr honey is distinctive and captivating, often described as floral, slightly fruity, and sometimes with hints of spices.

If you love honey (and believe that honey is also a medicine) then you will love Organic Sidr Honey. It is slightly expensive compared to the processed, treated varieties that have been de-natured and widely available in the market. Our honey is raw and cold-extracted. This means that honey is taken from the hives with no heat applied. Applying heat makes honey runnier and kills off the good enzymes.

Generally, all raw honey is slightly acidic in nature (pH ranging from 4.0 to 6.0) however, Organic Sidr (Beri) Honey is an exception. It is having a pH value of 7.1 - 7.4 which is very close to human blood pH value (7.3). This means, it takes a matter of seconds to dissolve in our bloodstream, providing an efficient source of high-quality energy, minerals and vitamins. This medical grade honey is popular amongst Olympic level athletes, consumed before high intensity work outs.

There is no use of pesticides in the surrounding areas so please be assured that this honey has come from the highest quality of organic nectar of the Sidr Tree's blossom.  

1.       We do not mix this honey with other cheap ingredients in order to bulk up the honey. This is pure honey. There are no additional ingredients.

2.       We do not heat our honey in order to extract it more easily. Yes, we spend more time and energy manually extracting the honey- because we want to keep our honey raw with those amazing health benefits. 

3.       We do not filter our honey. So, this honey has natural bee pollen, micro pieces of propolis and bee wax, all of which benefit your health.

4.       We do not use our bees for commercial pollination. Our bee farm is located in a wild place, so our honey does not have any pesticides or herbicides or other harmful chemicals.

5.       Any real beekeeper will tell you how much work is required with bees to get each jar of honey. If you have bees, then you just work, work and work.

6.       We do not use any chemicals in order kill pests found in the hives, nor do we use chemicals in the winter time in order to help the bees survive until spring. If you do your research, you will find that 90% of beekeepers use chemicals on bees.